
paleogeographer, n.paleogeographic /pay'lee oh jee'euh graf"ik/ or, esp. Brit., /pal'ee-/, paleogeographical, adj.paleogeographically, adv.
/pay'lee oh jee og"reuh fee/ or, esp. Brit., /pal'ee-/, n.
the science of representing the earth's geographic features belonging to any part of the geologic past.
[1880-85; PALEO- + GEOGRAPHY]

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or palaeogeography

Geography of selected portions of the Earth's surface at specific times in the geologic past.

The simplest kind of paleogeography is a map showing the locations of ancient lands and seas, but paleogeographic maps may also show the occurrence and distribution of fossil, plant, and animal communities; environments of sedimentation (e.g., deltas, reefs, deserts, or deep-sea basins); areas undergoing uplift and erosion or subsidence and deposition; and major climatic zones.

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also spelled  palaeogeography, 

      the ancient geography of Earth's surface. Earth's geography is constantly changing: continents (continent) move as a result of plate tectonic (plate tectonics) interactions; mountain ranges are thrust up and erode; and sea levels rise and fall as the volume of the ocean basins change. These geographic changes can be traced through the study of the rock and fossil record, and data can be used to create paleogeographic maps, which illustrate how the continents have moved and how the past locations of mountains, lowlands, shallow seas, and deep ocean basins have changed.

      The study of paleogeography has two principal goals. The first is to map the past positions of the continents and ocean basins, and the second is to illustrate Earth's changing geographic features through time.

Mapping past continents and oceans
      The past positions of the continents can be determined by using six major lines of evidence: paleomagnetism, linear magnetic anomalies, hot-spot tracks, paleobiogeography, paleoclimatology, and geologic and tectonic history.

Paleomagnetism (remanent magnetism)
      By measuring the remanent magnetic field (remanent magnetism) often preserved in rocks containing iron-bearing minerals, paleomagnetic analysis can determine whether a rock was magnetized near one of Earth's poles or near the Equator. Iron-bearing minerals forming in igneous (igneous rock) rock align themselves with Earth's magnetic field (geomagnetic field) as the molten rock cools. These minerals also align themselves when they are deposited in sediments, and they retain their orientation as they lithify (lithification) into sedimentary rock. Lines of force in Earth's magnetic field are parallel to the planet's surface at the Equator and are vertical at the poles. Therefore, iron-bearing minerals formed or deposited at low latitudes will be nearly parallel to Earth's surface, while those at high latitudes will dip steeply. If the rocks are later transported by tectonic processes, their original latitude of deposition can be determined by their orientation. Paleomagnetism provides direct evidence of a continent's past north-south (latitudinal) position, but it does not constrain its east-west (longitudinal) position.

Linear magnetic anomalies
      Earth's magnetic field has another important property. Like the Sun's magnetic field, Earth's magnetic field periodicallyflips,” or reverses polarity (geomagnetic field)—that is, the North (North Pole) and South Poles switch places. Fluctuations, or anomalies in the intensity of the magnetic field, occur at the boundaries between normally magnetized sea floor (ocean) and sea floor magnetized in the reversed direction. The age of these magnetic anomalies can be established by using fossil evidence and radiometric age determinations (dating). Because these magnetic anomalies form at oceanic ridges (ocean), they tend to be long, linear features (hence the name linear magnetic anomalies) that are symmetrically disposed about ridge axes. The past positions of the continents during the last 150 million years (the maximum age of most of the ocean floor) can be directly reconstructed by superimposing linear magnetic anomalies of the same age, in effectundoingthe results of sea-floor spreading (ocean) since that time.

Hot-spot tracks
 Some of the world's volcanoes (volcano) are formed by jets of molten rock that arise at the boundary between Earth's core and mantle (at a depth of about 2,900 km, or 1,800 miles). These rising plumes, or hot spots (volcano), puncture the lithosphere (Earth), and, as a tectonic plate moves across the hot spot, a line of islands is generated. The island directly above the hot spot is the youngest, and islands become progressively older with distance from the hot spot. There are more than a dozen well-documented hot-spot tracks. Perhaps the most obvious is the Hawaiian Islands (Hawaii), which trace an east-west arc across the central Pacific Ocean. Hot-spot tracks accurately record plate motions and can be used to determine the past latitudinal and longitudinal position of the continents.

      The past distribution of plants and animals can give important clues about the latitudinal position of the continents as well as their relative positions. Cold-water faunas can often be distinguished from warm-water faunas, and ancient floras reflect both paleotemperature and paleorainfall. The diversity of plants and animals tends to increase toward the Equator, and the adaptations of plants (such as smooth-edged leaves in the tropics and serrated-edged leaves in the temperate belts) are often good indicators of the amount of ancient rainfall.

      The similarity or dissimilarity of faunas and floras on different continents can also be used to estimate their geographic proximity. In addition, the evolutionary history of groups of plants and animals on different continents can reveal when these continents were connected or isolated from each other. For example, Australia's unique marsupial fauna is the result of its isolation from the other continents at the time when placental (placental mammal) mammals were evolving on the other continents during the early Paleogene Period.

      Earth's climate is primarily a result of the redistribution of the Sun's energy across the surface of the globe. It is warm near the Equator and cool near the poles. Wetness or rainfall also varies systematically from the Equator to the pole in alternating bands. It is wet near the Equator, dry in the subtropics, wet in the temperate belts, and dry near the poles. Certain kinds of rocks form under specific climatic conditions. For example, coals (coal) occur where wet climates once supported lush vegetation; bauxite (the principal ore of aluminum) is formed in warm and wet conditions, evaporites (evaporite) and calcretes (calcrete) require warmth and aridity to form; and tillites (tillite) are deposited during the movement of glacial (glacier) ice. The ancient distribution of these and other rock types can indicate how the global climate has changed through time and how the continents have traveled across the climatic belts.

Geologic and tectonic history
      In order to reconstruct the past positions of the continents, it is necessary to understand the evolution of plate tectonic (plate tectonics) boundaries. Only by understanding the regional geologic and tectonic history of an area can the location and timing of rifting (rift valley) events, subduction (subduction zone) activity, continental collision, and other major plate tectonic events be determined.

Mapping past geographic features
      Paleogeographic features include mountain ranges, lowlands, shallow seas, and the deep ocean basins. Some paleogeographic features change very slowly and are easy to map. Others change very rapidly, so that any paleogeographic mapping is, at best, an approximation.

Continents and ocean basins
      The two major paleogeographic features are the continents and the ocean basins. Since early Precambrian time, Earth has been divided into deep ocean basins (average depth, 3.5 km, or 2.2 miles) and high-standing continents (average elevation, about 800 metres, or 2,600 feet). Continental lithosphere (Earth) stands high above the ocean basins because it is less dense and is not easily subducted (ocean), or recycled back into Earth's interior. Consequently, continents are made up of very old rocks, some dating back over 4 billion years. The amount of continental lithosphere has probably changed very little during the last 2.6 billion yearspossibly increasing 10 to 15 percent. What has changed is the shape and the distribution of continents across the globe.

      The ocean basins are also ancient paleogeographic features. Oceanic lithosphere is continuously created at oceanic ridges (ocean) and then recycled back into Earth's interior at subduction zones.

Mountain ranges
      In contrast to the continents and ocean basins, which are permanent geographic features, the height and location of mountain belts constantly change. Mountain belts form either where oceanic lithosphere is subducted beneath the margin of a continent, giving rise to a linear range of mountains such as the Andes of western South America, or where continents collide, forming high mountains and broad plateaus such as the Himalayas and the Tibetan Plateau (Tibet, Plateau of) of Asia. Less-extensive mountains can also form when continents rift apart (as is happening today in the East African Rift (East African Rift System)) or where hot spots form volcanic uplifts.

      In most cases, mountain ranges take tens of millions of years to form and, depending on the climate, may last for hundreds of millions of years. Though the Appalachian Mountains of the eastern United States were formed more than 300 million years ago, as a result of the collision of North America and western Africa, remnants of this collisional mountain belt still reach heights of over than 2,000 metres (6,600 feet). The Himalayan mountains, the world's tallest mountain range, began to rise from the sea nearly 50 million years ago when northern India collided with Eurasia.

Shorelines and continental margins
      In contrast to mountain ranges, which take tens to hundreds of millions of years to uplift and erode, the location of Earth's shorelines can change rapidly. The familiar shapes that characterize today's shorelines such as Hudson's Bay, the Florida peninsula, or the numerous fiords of Norway are all less than 12,000 years old. The shape of the modern coastlines is the result of a rise in sea level of 70 metres (230 feet) that took place in the last 12,000 years as the last great ice sheet that covered much of North America and Europe melted.

      It is important to note that the shoreline, though the edge of land, is not the edge of the continent. In most cases the continent extends seaward hundreds of kilometres beyond the shoreline. The actual edge of the continent in most cases is marked by the transition from the continental slope to the continental rise (ocean). This steep bathymetric gradient marks the boundary between continental and oceanic crust.

Agents of paleogeographic change
      The ancient distribution of land and sea, probably the single most important aspect of paleogeography, is a function of both continental topography and sea-level (sea level) change. Though topography changes slowly (over tens of millions of years), global sea level can change rapidly (over tens of thousand of years). When sea level rises, the continents are flooded and shorelines move landward. Throughout much of Earth's history, sea level was higher than it is today, and vast areas of the continents were flooded by shallow seas.

      Several factors can affect sea-level change. One factor is the amount of ice on the continents. At times when the continents are covered by great ice sheets, sea level is low, and the continents are more exposed. The last glacial maximum was 18,000 years ago. Other important global episodes of glaciation occurred 300 million, 450 million, and 650 million years ago. The oldest known glacial episode occurred in the Precambrian (Precambrian time), approximately 2.2 billion years ago. For the last 20 million years, the continents and their margins have been largely high and dry because there has been a significant amount of ice on Antarctica and there has been extensive mountain-building in Asia.

      Sea level also changes more slowly (over tens of millions of years) owing to changes in the volume of the ocean basins. During the Precambrian, gases escaped from Earth's interior and contributed to the formation of water vapour in the atmosphere. The vapour eventually condensed on the cooling surface to form the world's oceans. However, there has been no significant addition to the volume of water on Earth since early Precambrian times. Changes in sea level, therefore, are due not to changes in the amount of water on Earth but rather to changes in the shape and volume of the ocean basins. Plate tectonics and, in particular, sea-floor spreading control the shape and volume of the ocean basins.

Christopher R. Scotese

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