
/pes"teuhm/, n.
an ancient coastal city of Lucania, in S Italy: the extant ruins include three Greek temples and a Roman amphitheater.

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Ancient city, southern Italy.

Located on the Gulf of Salerno (the ancient Bay of Paestum), the city was founded in the 6th century BC by Greek colonists from Sybaris, who called it Poseidonia. It was taken by the Lucanians, an indigenous Italic people, in the 4th century BC. They ruled until 273 BC, when the city was captured by the Romans. Deserted after its sack by Muslim raiders in AD 871, the abandoned site's remains were discovered in the 18th century. It is known for its three Doric temples and its city walls of travertine blocks.

The Temple of Athena at Paestum

Alinari/Art Resource, New York

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ancient city, Italy
Greek  Poseidonia,  
 ancient city in southern Italy near the west coast, 22 miles (35 km) southeast of modern Salerno and 5 miles (8 km) south of the Sele (ancient Silarus) River. Paestum is noted for its splendidly preserved Greek temples.

      Poseidonia was probably founded about 600 BC by Greek colonists from Sybaris, along the Gulf of Taranto, and it had become a flourishing town by 540, judging from its temples. After many years' resistance the city came under the domination of the Lucanians (an indigenous Italic people) sometime before 400 BC, after which its name was changed to Paestum. Alexander, the king of Epirus, defeated the Lucanians at Paestum about 332 BC, but the city remained Lucanian until 273, when it came under Roman rule and a Latin colony was founded there. The city supported Rome during the Second Punic War. The locality was still prosperous during the early years of the Roman Empire, but the gradual silting up of the mouth of the Silarus River eventually created a malarial swamp, and Paestum was finally deserted after being sacked by Muslim raiders in AD 871. The abandoned site's remains were rediscovered in the 18th century.

      The ancient Greek part of Paestum consists of two sacred areas containing three Doric temples in a remarkable state of preservation. During the ensuing Roman period a typical forum and town layout grew up between the two ancient Greek sanctuaries. Of the three temples, the Temple of Athena (the so-called Temple of Ceres) and the Temple of Hera I (the so-called Basilica) date from the 6th century BC, while the Temple of Hera II (the so-called Temple of Neptune) was probably built about 460 BC and is the best preserved of the three. The Temple of Peace in the forum is a Corinthian-Doric building begun perhaps in the 2nd century BC. Traces of a Roman amphitheatre and other buildings, as well as intersecting main streets, have also been found. The circuit of the town walls, which are built of travertine blocks and are 1520 feet (56 m) thick, is about 3 miles (5 km) in circumference. In July 1969 a farmer uncovered an ancient Lucanian tomb that contained Greek frescoes painted in the early classical style. Paestum's archaeological museum contains these and other treasures from the site.

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