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oversufficient — index needless Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
oversufficient — [spelling only] … English World dictionary
oversufficient — adj. more than enough, bountiful to the point of excess, overabundant … English contemporary dictionary
oversufficient — adj.; oversufficiently, adv … Useful english dictionary
lavish — I (opulent) adjective abounding, abundant, affluent, ample, bounteous, bountiful, copious, costly, effusive, excess, extravagant, generous, immoderate, inordinate, liberal, luxuriant, munificent, open handed, opulent, overabundant, overflowing,… … Law dictionary
abundance — /euh bun deuhns/, n. 1. an extremely plentiful or oversufficient quantity or supply: an abundance of grain. 2. overflowing fullness: abundance of the heart. 3. affluence; wealth: the enjoyment of abundance. 4. Physics, Chem. the number of atoms… … Universalium
abundant — abundantly, adv. /euh bun deuhnt/, adj. 1. present in great quantity; more than adequate; oversufficient: an abundant supply of water. 2. well supplied; abounding: a river abundant in salmon. 3. richly supplied: an abundant land. [1325 75; ME ( … Universalium
needless — I adjective avoidable, beside the point, causeless, dispensable, excess, excessive, exorbitant, expendable, expletive, extra, extraneous, fruitless, futile, gratuitous, groundless, inordinate, irrelevant, non necessahus, noncompulsory,… … Law dictionary
abundant — adj 1. plentiful, plenteous, plenitudi nous, Inf. plenty, fat, bountiful, bounteous, copious, ample, more than enough; big, large, great, huge, bumper; immeasurable, unmeasured, inexhaustible, bottomless, unstinted; much, many, numerous, Inf.… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
copious — adj 1. plentiful, plenteous, plenitudi nous, Inf. plenty, fat, bountiful, bounteous; big, large, great, huge, extensive; immeasurable, unmeasured, unstinted, inexhaustible, bottomless; much, many, numerous, Inf. dime a dozen; in quantity or… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder