
/uv"euhn berrd'/, n.
1. an American warbler, Seiurus aurocapillus, that builds an oven-shaped nest of leaves, twigs, etc., on the forest floor.
2. any of several South American passerine birds of the genus Furnarius of the family Furnariidae, certain species of which build an oven-shaped nest.
[1815-25; OVEN + BIRD]

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▪ Furnarius
 any of several species of small birds, named for building a domed nest with a side entrance, especially Seiurus aurocapillus, a wood warbler (family Parulidae, order Passeriformes) of North America east of the Rockies; it winters south to Colombia. Brownish-olive above, with a streaked breast, white eye ring, and black-edged orange crown, the bird looks like a small thrush. Its song, “tee-cher,” is repeated with increasing intensity in dank woods. The ovenbird walks, unlike most other wood warblers, which hop. Its nest is a dome of grass placed on the ground.

      The term ovenbird is also used broadly for members of the tropical American family Furnariidae (q.v.) and especially for members of the genus Furnarius (also known by the Spanish name hornero, meaning “baker”). They are 15–20 centimetres (6–8 inches) long, reddish brown, and thrushlike, common in open country throughout most of South America. On a branch, post, or roof ledge, the hornero builds an ovenlike nest of mud and grass, about 30 cm high, with an enclosed nest chamber.

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  • ovenbird — noun Etymology: from the shape of its nest Date: circa 1825 1. any of various chiefly South American small brown passerine birds (family Furnariidae, especially genus Furnarius) 2. an American warbler (Seiurus aurocapillus) that builds a dome… …   New Collegiate Dictionary

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  • ovenbird — n. any of many South American small brown passerine birds; American warbler that builds a nest on the ground in the shape of a dome …   English contemporary dictionary

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