
/owt"tayk'/, n.
1. a segment of film or videotape edited out of the final version, as because of a technical error.
2. a recording of a song not included in the final release of a record album, as because of a technical error.
[1955-60; OUT- + TAKE]

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  • Outtake TV — Format Blooper / Comedy Starring Paul O Grady (2002–2003) Anne Robinson (2004–2009) Rufus Hound (2010–present) Country of origin United Kingdom …   Wikipedia

  • Outtake — Out*take , prep. Except. [Obs.] R. of Brunne. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • outtake — out take n. (out t[=a]k ), A portion of a recorded performance which is eliminated in the editing process and is not included in the final commercial presentation. The recording may be audio or visual or both, but is usually of a film or… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • outtake — [out′tāk΄] n. 1. a scene, or take, photographed or taped for a film or TV program, but not included in the shown version 2. a defective recording of music, etc. not used for commercial release …   English World dictionary

  • Outtake — An outtake is a portion of a work (usually a film or music recording) that is removed in the editing process and not included in the work s final, publicly released version. In the digital era, significant outtakes have been appended to CD and… …   Wikipedia

  • Outtake — Outtakes (auch blooper oder Nichtkopierer) sind häufig humorvolle Teile des gefilmten Materials, die nicht für den Film verwendet werden (können). Wird ein Film produziert, so wird erheblich mehr Bildmaterial gedreht als letztendlich benötigt… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • outtake — 1. noun /ˈaʊtˌteɪk/ a) A portion of a recording (a take) that is not included in the final version of a film or a musical album, often because it contains a mistake. The DVD for that movie has ten minutes worth of outtakes. b) A complete version… …   Wiktionary

  • outtake — noun Date: 1902 1. a passage outward ; flue, vent 2. something that is taken out: as a. a take that is not used in an edited version of a film or videotape b. a recorded musical selection not included in a record album …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • Outtake — herausgeschnittene Filmszene * * * Out|take [ a̮utteɪk], der od. das; s, s [engl. out take, aus: out = heraus u. take, ↑ Take]: 1. (Film, Fernsehen) aufgenommene Szene einer Film , Fernsehproduktion, die nicht verwendet wird. 2. aufgenommenes… …   Universal-Lexikon

  • outtake — out|take [ aut,teık ] noun count a part of something such as a television program or movie that is taken out before it is shown, often because it contains a mistake …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

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