
/owt"kast', -kahst'/, n.
1. (in India) a person who has left or been expelled from his or her caste.
2. a person of no caste.
[1875-80; OUT- + CASTE]

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Hindu caste system
      in the Hindu caste system, an individual or group that has been thrown out of caste, usually for some ritual offense. The outcasting may be temporary or permanent. In the 19th century, a Hindu faced excommunication for going abroad, where it was presumed he would be forced to break caste restrictions and, as a result, become polluted. Such an offender would be reinstated upon completion of the proper observances, usually culminating in payment of a fine or giving a feast for caste brethren.

      To be permanently outcaste was more serious, as it deprived the offender both of a social or economic support group and of a marriage partner. Offspring of certain intercaste unions (traditionally the union of a Brahman mother and a Sūdra father) were considered outcastes. Outcastes might be adopted into an existing caste of low status or form a new caste. Because of their precarious economic position, outcastes frequently were forced to take on polluting jobs no one else wanted to do; thus they became not only outcastes but untouchables.

      Some tribal groups in and around India and all foreigners were automatically perceived as avarṇa (“casteless,” orout of caste”).

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