
See fervid.

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  • fervidly — fervid ► ADJECTIVE ▪ intensely or excessively enthusiastic. DERIVATIVES fervidly adverb. ORIGIN Latin fervidus, from fervere to boil …   English terms dictionary

  • Fervidly — Fervid Fer vid, a. [L. fervidus, fr. fervere. See {Fervent}.] 1. Very hot; burning; boiling. [1913 Webster] The mounted sun Shot down direct his fervid rays. Milton. [1913 Webster] 2. Ardent; vehement; zealous. [1913 Webster] The fervid wishes,… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • fervidly — adverb see fervid …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • fervidly — adverb In a fervid manner …   Wiktionary

  • fervidly — Synonyms and related words: ardently, breathlessly, cordially, devotedly, devoutly, earnestly, enthusiastically, excitedly, exuberantly, fervently, feverishly, glowingly, heart and soul, heartily, heatedly, hotly, impassionedly, intensely,… …   Moby Thesaurus

  • fervidly — adv. hotly, in a fiery manner, intensely, passionately …   English contemporary dictionary

  • fervidly — fer·vid·ly …   English syllables

  • fervidly — adverb with passionate fervor both those for and against are fervently convinced they speak for the great majority of the people a fierily opinionated book • Syn: ↑fierily, ↑fervently • Derived from adjective: ↑fervid, ↑fervent …   Useful english dictionary

  • fervent — fervent, fervid Both words mean ‘ardent, intense’ with reference to speech, feelings, etc. There are two significant differences in their use: (1) fervent but not fervid is also used of people, with nouns such as admirer, advocate, believer,… …   Modern English usage

  • fervid — fervent, fervid Both words mean ‘ardent, intense’ with reference to speech, feelings, etc. There are two significant differences in their use: (1) fervent but not fervid is also used of people, with nouns such as admirer, advocate, believer,… …   Modern English usage

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