
1. a combining form occurring in loanwords from Greek, where it meant "straight," "upright," "right," "correct" (orthodox) and on this model used in the formation of compound words (orthopedic).
2. Chem.
a. a combining form used in the name of that acid in a given series of acids that contains the most water (orthoboric acid). Cf. meta-, pyro-.
b. a combining form used in the names of the salts of these acids: if the acid ends in -ic, the corresponding salt ends in -ate (orthoboric acid (H3BO3) and potassium orthoborate (K3BO3)); if the acid ends in -ous, the corresponding salt ends in -ite (orthoantimonous acid (H3SbO3) and potassium orthoantimonite (K3SbO3)).
Also, esp. before a vowel, orth-.
[ < Gk, comb. form of orthós straight, upright, correct]

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