
/om"ruy/, n.
a king of Israel and the father of Ahab. I Kings 16:16-28.

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▪ king of Israel
Hebrew  ʿamri 

      (reigned 876–869 or c. 884–c. 872 BC), king of Israel, the father of Ahab.

      Omri is mentioned briefly and unfavourably in the Bible (I Kings 16; Micah 6:16) but is thought by modern scholars to have been one of the most important rulers of the northern kingdom. His name appears frequently in Assyrian inscriptions, and he is known to have conquered Moab, formed an alliance with Tyre, and moved the capital of Israel to Samaria.

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  • OMRI — (Heb. עָמְרִי), king of Israel (c. 882–871 B.C.E., I Kings 16:16–28), contemporary of King Asa of Judah. Omri s father s name is not mentioned in sources. According to II Kings 16:23, Omri reigned over the Kingdom of Israel for 12 years, six of… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

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  • Omri — m Jewish: Hebrew name, possibly derived from an element meaning ‘sheaf of grain’. It is borne in the Bible by a king of Israel who built the city of Samaria, but who also ‘wrought evil in the eyes of the Lord’ (1 Kings 16: 23–8). This has not… …   First names dictionary

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  • Omri — Kings of Ancient Israel United Monarchy of Israel Saul • Ish bosheth David • Solomon • Rehoboam Northern Kingdom of Israel Jeroboam I • Nadab Baasha • Elah Zimri Omri • Ahab • …   Wikipedia

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  • Omri — Proclaimed king of Israel after a coup in 885 BCE (1 Kgs. 16:15 ff.); he established his capital at Samaria (1 Kgs. 16:24), appropriately for a new dynasty, and Assyrian inscriptions long regarded Israel as ‘Omri s country’. Omri was astute in… …   Dictionary of the Bible

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