
/om"neuh vawr', -vohr'/, n.
1. someone or something that is omnivorous.
2. an omnivorous animal.
[1885-90; < F, on the model of CARNIVORE, etc.]

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Animal that eats both plant and animal matter.

Most omnivorous species do not have highly specialized food-processing structures or food-gathering behaviour. Many animals generally considered carnivores are actually omnivorous; for example, the red fox eats fruits and berries as well as mammals and birds. See also herbivore.

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 animal with wide food preferences, which can eat both plant and animal matter. Many small birds and mammals are omnivorous; deer mice and mockingbirds have diets that at different times may include a preponderance of insects or berries. Many animals generally considered carnivores are actually omnivorous, among them the red fox, which enjoys fruits and berries, and the snapping turtle, one-third of whose diet is provided by plants.

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Universalium. 2010.

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