old school tie — n the old school tie BrE the situation that exists when people who went to the same private school use their influence to help each other get work or other advantages ▪ a system based on social class and the old school tie … Dictionary of contemporary English
old school tie — UK US noun [S] UK DISAPPROVING ► THE OLD BOY NETWORK(Cf. ↑the old boy network) ► a symbol of belonging to a special group of people who went to an expensive school: »Wearing the old school tie isn t always an advantage these days … Financial and business terms
old school tie — old′ school tie′ n. 1) a necktie striped in the colors of a specific English public school, worn by a former student 2) soc the clannishness and conservatism conventionally associated with graduates of such schools … From formal English to slang
old school tie — n. 1. a necktie striped in the distinctive colors of any of the exclusive English public schools 2. loyalties, traditions, attitudes, etc. of, or like those of, the graduates of such a school … English World dictionary
old school tie — N SING: the N When people talk about the old school tie, they are referring to the situation in which people who attended the same public school use their positions of influence to help each other. [BRIT] Of course, the old school tie has been a… … English dictionary
old school tie, the — noun singular a system in which people who have been to the same school or university use their influence to help each other, for example in getting a good job … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
old school tie — noun 1. a specific tie worn by former members of a school. 2. the network of influences and associations formed among former students of particular or related independent schools, usually characterised as conservative by nature. –adjective 3. of… …
old school tie — noun necktie indicating the school the wearer attended • Hypernyms: ↑necktie, ↑tie … Useful english dictionary
old school tie — See: OLD BOY NETWORK, OLD COLLEGE TRY … Dictionary of American idioms
old school tie — See: OLD BOY NETWORK, OLD COLLEGE TRY … Dictionary of American idioms
old school tie — noun Date: 1932 1. a. an attitude of conservatism, aplomb, and upper class solidarity associated with English public school graduates b. a necktie displaying the colors of an English public school 2. clannishness among members of an established… … New Collegiate Dictionary