- okle-dokle
okey-doke.[by alter.]
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Universalium. 2010.
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Universalium. 2010.
okle\ dokle — All right, then. Everything is okay. Fine by me. As if I really care. You didn t put two spaces after the period in the fourth line of the third paragraph. Okle dokle, I ll be sure to fix that up later … Dictionary of american slang
okle\ dokle — All right, then. Everything is okay. Fine by me. As if I really care. You didn t put two spaces after the period in the fourth line of the third paragraph. Okle dokle, I ll be sure to fix that up later … Dictionary of american slang
okle-dokle — /oh keuhl doh keuhl/, adj., adv., interj. okey doke. [by alter.] … Useful english dictionary
okey-doke — /oh kee dohk /, adj., adv., interj. OK. Also, okey dokey /oh kee doh kee/, okle dokle. [1930 35, Amer.; rhyming redupl. of OKE2] * * * … Universalium
all right — adj 1. safe, secure, whole, complete, unharmed, unhurt, uninjured, unimpaired, unbroken; sound, healthy, well, hale. 2. satisfactory, acceptable, allowable, permissible; warrantable, approvable, sanctionable, fine, Inf. okey dokey, Inf. okle… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
good — adj 1. virtuous, moral, righteous, honorable, honest, high minded, noble, lofty; wholesome, pure, chaste, virginal, lily white, innocent, unsullied, untainted; pious, saintly, angelic, godlike, godly, Godfearing, devout, religious. 2.… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
undamaged — adj unharmed, uninjured, unhurt, unscathed, scatheless, unimpaired, unbroken, undefaced, undisfigured, unmarred, unspotted; sound, safe and sound, alive and well, well, in good shape or condition, all right, Inf. O.K., Inf. okey dokey or okle… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
okey-doke — /oh kee dohk /, adj., adv., interj. OK. Also, okey dokey /oh kee doh kee/, okle dokle. [1930 35, Amer.; rhyming redupl. of OKE2] … Useful english dictionary