
/oy nok"oh ee'/, n., pl. oinochoes, oinochoai /-nok"oh uy'/. Gk. and Rom. Antiq.
a wine pitcher or jug, characterized by a curved handle extending from the lip to the shoulder, and a round or trefoil mouth.
Also, oenochoe.
[1870-75; < Gk oinochóe wine jug, equiv. to oîno(s) WINE + choé a pouring, liquid offering (deriv. of cheîn to pour)]

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wine jug
also spelled  oenochoe 
 wine jug from the classical period of Greek pottery. A graceful vessel with delicately curved handle and trefoil-shaped mouth, the oinochoe was revived during the Renaissance and again during the Neoclassical period of the 18th century.

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