
oidioid, adj.
/oh id"ee euhm/, n., pl. oidia /oh id"ee euh/. Mycol.
1. one of the conidia that are borne in chains by certain fungi.
2. (in certain fungi) a thin-walled spore derived from the fragmentation of a hypha into its component cells.
[1855-60; < NL < Gk oi(ón) EGG (c. L ovum; see OO-) + -idium -IDIUM]

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      in fungi (kingdom Fungi), a single-celled asexual spore (arthrospore) produced by fragmentation of fungal filaments (hyphae) in lower fungi; the asexual stage of Erysiphaceae (powdery mildew fungi); or, in Basidiomycota, both an asexual spore (microconidium) and a male cell (spermatium).

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Universalium. 2010.

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