
/ee"nee euhs, -nyoohs/, n. Class. Myth.
a king of Calydon believed to have been the first man to cultivate grapes.

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      in Greek legend, king of Calydon in Aetolia, husband of Althaea, and father of Meleager, Deianeira, and Gorge. (In some accounts Ares is the father of Meleager and Dionysus is the father of Deianeira.) Because, according to Homer's Iliad, Book IX, Oeneus neglected to sacrifice the first fruits of his harvest to the powerful goddess Artemis, she sends a great wild boar to ravage the land. Heroes come from all over Greece to participate in the Calydonian boar hunt that ensues. The athletic heroine Atalanta wounds the boar, and Meleager finishes it off. There exist varying accounts of the ensuing events; in one, Meleager's mother causes his death and then kills herself.

      Oeneus's second wife was Periboea. Their son, Tydeus, was exiled for murder, and Oeneus was deposed. Tydeus died on the expedition of the Seven Against Thebes, but his son Diomedes returned and restored Oeneus to the throne. Oeneus handed Calydon over to his son-in-law Andraemon, the husband of Gorge.

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