- occult
/euh kult", ok"ult/, adj.1. of or pertaining to magic, astrology, or any system claiming use or knowledge of secret or supernatural powers or agencies.2. beyond the range of ordinary knowledge or understanding; mysterious.3. secret; disclosed or communicated only to the initiated.4. hidden from view.5. (in early science)a. not apparent on mere inspection but discoverable by experimentation.b. of a nature not understood, as physical qualities.c. dealing with such qualities; experimental: occult science.6. Med. present in amounts too small to be visible: a chemical test to detect occult blood in the stool.n.7. the supernatural or supernatural agencies and affairs considered as a whole (usually prec. by the).8. occult studies or sciences (usually prec. by the).v.t.9. to block or shut off (an object) from view; hide.10. Astron. to hide (a celestial body) by occultation.v.i.11. to become hidden or shut off from view.[1520-30; < L occultus (ptp. of occulere to hide from view, cover up), equiv. to oc- OC- + -cul-, akin to celare to CONCEAL + -tus ptp. suffix]Syn. 2. metaphysical, supernatural. 3. concealed, unrevealed; veiled, shrouded; mystical, cabalistic.
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Universalium. 2010.