
/oh"bee/; Japn. /aw"bee/, n., pl. obis, obi.
a long, broad sash tied about the waist over a Japanese kimono.
[1875-80; < Japn: girdle, gird (v.)]
/oh"bee/, n., pl. obis.

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clothing accessory
      wide sash or belt made of satin or a stiff silk material, worn since ancient times in Japan to secure the kimono. A woman's obi is about 12 feet (370 cm) long and 10 inches (25 cm) wide; a man's obi is about three-fourths as long and one-sixth as wide. The obi is wound around the waist over the kimono and tied at the back.

      The contemporary, wide obi evolved in the early 18th century. It is frequently brocaded or embroidered.

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