
/nooh man"shee euh, -sheuh, nyooh-/, n.
an ancient city in N Spain: besieged and taken 134-133 B.C. by Scipio the Younger.

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ancient town, Spain
      a Celtiberian town (now Garray), near modern Soria in Spain on the upper Douro (Duero) River. Founded on the site of earlier settlements by Iberians who penetrated the Celtic highlands about 300 BC, it later formed the centre of Celtiberian resistance to Rome, withstanding repeated attacks by Cato the Censor (195 BC), Quintus Fulvius Nobilior (153), Marcus Claudius Marcellus (152), Quintus Pompeius (140), and Popillius Laenas (139138). In 137 the Numantines not only defeated but captured the army of Gaius Hostilius Mancinus. The army was saved by the diplomacy of Tiberius Gracchus, but the treaty was rejected by the Roman Senate on the motion of Scipio Aemilianus. The Senate sent Mancinus back to Numantia, which refused to accept him, and the command was given to Scipio Aemilianus (Numantius). He blockaded the town in 133 by establishing six miles (10 km) of continuous ramparts around it. After an eight-month siege, Numantia was reduced by hunger, and the survivors capitulated, its destruction ending all serious resistance to Rome in Celtiberia. Numantia was later rebuilt by the emperor Augustus, but it had little importance. It was abandoned in the 4th century AD.

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