nuclear reaction

nuclear reaction
reaction (def. 8).

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      change in the identity or characteristics of an atomic nucleus, induced by bombarding it with an energetic particle. The bombarding particle may be an alpha particle, a gamma-ray photon, a neutron, a proton, or a heavy ion. In any case, the bombarding particle must have enough energy to approach the positively charged nucleus to within range of the strong nuclear force.

      A typical nuclear reaction involves two reacting particlesa heavy target nucleus and a light bombarding particleand produces two new particlesa heavier product nucleus and a lighter ejected particle. In the first observed nuclear reaction (1919), Ernest Rutherford (Rutherford, Ernest, Baron Rutherford of Nelson, of Cambridge) bombarded nitrogen with alpha particles and identified the ejected lighter particles as hydrogen nuclei or protons (11H or p) and the product nuclei as a rare oxygen isotope. In the first nuclear reaction produced by artificially accelerated particles (1932), the English physicists J.D. Cockcroft and E.T.S. Walton bombarded lithium with accelerated protons and thereby produced two helium nuclei, or alpha particles. As it has become possible to accelerate charged particles to increasingly greater energy, many high-energy nuclear reactions have been observed that produce a variety of subatomic particles called mesons, baryons, and resonance particles.

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Universalium. 2010.

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