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nonprecious — adjective not precious, especially used to describe base metals such as lead, iron, copper etc … Wiktionary
nonprecious — adj. not precious, not valuable (of metal, stones, etc.); not beloved … English contemporary dictionary
nonprecious — adj.; nonpreciously, adv.; nonpreciousness, n … Useful english dictionary
metalwork — metalworker, n. /met l werrk /, n. objects made of metal. [1840 50; METAL + WORK] * * * Useful and decorative objects fashioned of various metals. The oldest technique is hammering. After с 2500 BC, casting was also used, molten metal being… … Universalium
Proton exchange membrane fuel cell — Diagram of a PEM fuel cell Proton exchange membrane fuel cells, also known as polymer electrolyte membrane (PEM) fuel cells (PEMFC), are a type of fuel cell being developed for transport applications as well as for stationary fuel cell… … Wikipedia
Arizona — Arizonan, Arizonian /ar euh zoh nee euhn/, adj., n. /ar euh zoh neuh/, n. a state in SW United States. 2,717,866; 113,909 sq. mi. (295,025 sq. km). Cap.: Phoenix. Abbr.: AZ (for use with zip code), Ariz. * * * State (pop., 2000: 5,130,632),… … Universalium
costume jewelry — jewelry made of nonprecious metals, sometimes gold plated or silver plated, often set with imitation or semiprecious stones. [1930 35, Amer.] * * * … Universalium
jewelry — /jooh euhl ree/, n. 1. articles of gold, silver, precious stones, etc., for personal adornment. 2. any ornaments for personal adornment, as necklaces or cuff links, including those of base metals, glass, plastic, or the like. Also, esp. Brit.,… … Universalium
Lebanon — /leb euh neuhn/ or, esp. for 1, / non /, n. 1. a republic at the E end of the Mediterranean, N of Israel. 3,858,736; 3927 sq. mi. (10,170 sq. km). Cap.: Beirut. 2. a city in SE Pennsylvania. 25,711. 3. a city in N central Tennessee. 11,872. 4. a… … Universalium
peseta — /peuh say teuh/; Sp. /pe se tah/, n., pl. pesetas / teuhz/; Sp. / tahs/. 1. a bronze coin and monetary unit of Spain and Spanish territories, equal to 100 centimos. Abbr.: P., Pta. 2. a former silver coin of Spain and Spanish America, equal to… … Universalium