Andric, Ivo

Andric, Ivo
An·drić (änʹdrĭch), Ivo. 1892-1975.
Yugoslavian writer. He won the 1961 Nobel Prize for literature.

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born Oct. 10, 1892, Dolac, near Travnik, Bosnia
died March 13, 1975, Belgrade, Yugos.

Bosnian writer.

He established his reputation with Ex Ponto (1918), which he wrote while interned for nationalist political activities in World War I. He later served as a Yugoslavian diplomat. Collections of his short stories were published from 1920 onward. Of his three novels, written during World War II, two
The Bridge on the Drina (1945) and Bosnian Story (1945)
are about the history of Bosnia. He was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1961.

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Serbo-Croatian author
born Oct. 10, 1892, Dolac, near Travnik, Bosnia
died March 13, 1975, Belgrade, Yugos. [now Serbia]

      writer of novels and short stories in the Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian language, who was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1961.

      Andrić studied in Poland and Austria. His potential as a writer of both prose and verse was recognized early, and his reputation was established with Ex Ponto (1918), a contemplative, lyrical prose work written during his internment by Austro-Hungarian authorities for nationalistic political activities during World War I. Collections of his short stories were published at intervals from 1920 onward.

      Following World War I, he entered the Yugoslavian diplomatic service. Although his career took him to Rome, Bucharest (in Romania), Madrid, Geneva, and Berlin, it was his native province, with its wealth of ethnic types, that provided the themes and psychological studies to be found in his works. Of his three novels, written during the Second World War, twoTravnička hronika (1945; Bosnian Story) and Na Drini ćuprija (1945; The Bridge on the Drina)—are concerned with the history of Bosnia.

      The Bridge on the Drina constructs four centuries of Bosnian history by narrating historical events as well as stories about individuals connected to the famous Ottoman bridge in Višegrad and by paralleling historical narration with folk legends and tales on the same subjects. Taking a different approach, Bosnian Story portrays the Bosnian milieu through the eyes of foreignersthe French, Austrian, and Ottoman consuls stationed in the city of Travnik at the time of Napoleon. Andrić preserves a critical distance from these Western and Eastern lenses of his narrative, but he also sees Bosnia through them, indirectly illustrating the fact that a writer cannot achieve an unmediated approach to his own culture.

      Writing during periods when Serbo-Croatian (Serbo-Croatian language) was officially considered one language in Yugoslavia, Andrić first used its Croatian form and later its Serbian form. He is claimed as part of Croatian literature, Serbian literature, and Bosnian literature. His works are written soberly, in language of great beauty and purity. The Nobel Prize committee commented particularly on theepic forcewith which he handled his material, especially in The Bridge on the Drina.

Gordana P. Crnkovic

Additional Reading
Andrić's life and work are discussed in Celia Hawkesworth, Ivo Andrić: Bridge Between East and West (1984); and Vanita Singh Mukerji, Ivo Andrić: A Critical Biography (1990). Wayne S. Vucinich (ed.), Ivo Andrić Revisited: The Bridge Still Stands (1995), a collection of articles, includes critical analyses of his works.

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