- nonillion
n.1. a cardinal number represented in the U.S. by 1 followed by 30 zeros, and in Great Britain by 1 followed by 54 zeros.adj.2. amounting to one nonillion in number.
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Universalium. 2010.
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Universalium. 2010.
nonillion — [nō nil′yən] n. [Fr < L nonus, ninth (see NOON) + Fr (m)illion] ☆ 1. the number represented by 1 followed by 30 zeros 2. Brit. the number represented by 1 followed by 54 zeros adj. amounting to one nonillion in number … English World dictionary
Nonillion — No*nil lion, n. [L. nonus ninth + illion, as in E. million.] According to the French and American notation, a thousand octillions, or a unit with thirty ciphers annexed; according to the English notation, a million octillions, or a unit with… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
nonillion — [nɔniljɔ̃] n. m. ÉTYM. 1520; du lat. nonus « neuvième », d après million. ❖ ♦ Arithm. (Rare). Nombre égal à un million d octillions (S = 1054) … Encyclopédie Universelle
Nonillion — A Nonillion is 1 times;1030 = 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000.Except British nomenclature, in which nonillion refers to 1054 (septendecillion in US/Scientific nomenclature).Separate from the number itself, scientist believe that the… … Wikipedia
nonillion — noun A very large number. ‘I then looked into the zatetic forest behind it / And saw a nonillion, no, a novemdecillion of them!’ … Wiktionary
nonillion — (no ni li on) s. m. Terme d arithmétique. Octillion multiplié par mille. HISTORIQUE XVIe s. • Ung nonillion vaut mille milliers de octilions, DE LA ROCHE Arismetique, f. 7. ÉTYMOLOGIE Lat. nonus, neuvième. Voy. billion, pour l explication … Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré
nonillion — no•nil•lion [[t]noʊˈnɪl yən[/t]] n. pl. lions, (as after a numeral) lion, 1) a cardinal number represented in the U.S. by 1 followed by 30 zeros, and in Great Britain by 1 followed by 54 zeros 2) amounting to one nonillion in number • Etymology:… … From formal English to slang
nonillion — /noʊˈnɪljən/ (say noh nilyuhn) noun 1. a cardinal number represented by one followed by 54 zeros (in the US and France, by one followed by 30 zeros). –adjective 2. amounting to one nonillion in number. {French, from non (from Latin nōnus ninth) + …
nonillion — noun Usage: often attributive Etymology: French, from Latin nonus ninth + French illion (as in million) more at noon Date: 1690 see number table … New Collegiate Dictionary
Nonillion — In diesem Artikel geht es um den Aufbau von Zahlennamen und die Benennung von Zahlen im Dezimalsystem. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Der Aufbau von Zahlennamen 1.1 Null bis Neun 1.2 Zehn 1.3 Elf und Zwölf als Ausnahmen … Deutsch Wikipedia