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nogai — NOGÁI, ÁIE, nogai, aie, s.m. şi f., adj. 1. s.m. şi f. (La m. pl.) Populaţie mongolă turcizată răspândită în diverse regiuni dintre Marea Caspică, Marea Neagră şi Marea Azov; (şi la sg.) persoană care aparţine acestei populaţii. 2. adj. Care… … Dicționar Român
Nogai — Nogaï Nogaï (mongol noxoï : chien), arrière petit fils de Gengis Khan, fut un important personnage parmi les Mongols de Russie à la fin du XIIIe siècle et joua le rôle de faiseur de rois parmi ses cousins de la Horde d Or. Il meurt en… … Wikipédia en Français
Nogaï — (mongol noxoï : chien), arrière petit fils de Gengis Khan, fut un important personnage parmi les Mongols de Russie à la fin du XIIIe siècle et joua le rôle de faiseur de rois parmi ses cousins de la Horde d Or. Il meurt en décembre 1299 … Wikipédia en Français
Nogai — Nogai, mongolischer Heerführer, ✝ 1300; hoher Würdenträger in der Goldenen Horde, beherrschte fast selbstständig einen Teil ihres Territoriums … Universal-Lexikon
nogai — ˈnōˌgī noun (plural nogai or nogais) Usage: usually capitalized Etymology: of Altaic origin; akin to Tatar & Kirghiz Nogai 1. a. : a nomad Tatar people of the northeastern Caucasus b. : a membe … Useful english dictionary
Nogai — The term Nogai can refer to more than one thing: Nogai Khan was a de facto ruler of the Golden Horde. Nogai Horde was a Turkic state which split from the Golden Horde in late 15th century. The Nogais are a Turkic people. Nogai language, the… … Wikipedia
Nogai — 1. noun a) A Turkic language spoken in the northern Caucasus region of southwestern Russia and in Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan. b) A person belonging to this Turkic people. Syn: Nogay, Nogai Tatar 2. adjective … Wiktionary
Nogai Khan — Nogai (died 1299), also called Isa Nogai,[1] was a general and de facto ruler of the Golden Horde and a great great grandson of Genghis Khan. His grandfather was Baul/Teval Khan, the 7th son of Jochi. His name is also spelled Nogay and Nogaj.… … Wikipedia
Nogai language — Nogai Ногай тили (Nogay tili) Spoken in Russia Region Caucasus Ethnicity Nogais Native speakers … Wikipedia
Nogai Horde — ← 1440s–1634 … Wikipedia