Nitinol — ist eine Nickel Titan Legierung und der bekannteste Vertreter der Formgedächtnis Legierungen. Nitinol wurde 1958 im Naval Ordnance Laboratory (USA) entwickelt. Der Name Nitinol ist ein Akronym für NIckel TItanium Naval Ordnance Laboratory .… … Deutsch Wikipedia
nitinol — ☆ nitinol [nit′ə nôl΄, nit′ənōl΄ ] n. [ NI(CKEL) + TI(TANIUM) + N(aval) O(rdnance) L(aboratory) where discovered] any of several paramagnetic alloys of nickel and titanium that can be heated and shaped: when cooled and deformed, they resume their … English World dictionary
Nitinol 60 — Type 60 Nitinol is a Nickel titanium alloy (Ni%60 Ti40) with shape memory effect from hot worked material, such as hot rolled Type 60 Nitinol sheet or plate, and then heat soaking at that temperature for about 15 minutes. The material is then… … Wikipedia
Nitinol — El nitinol es el ejemplo más conocido de las llamadas aleaciones con memoria de forma. Aunque los científicos conocían algunas propiedades de este tipo de materiales desde 1932, las primeras aplicaciones prácticas no comenzaron a desarrollarse… … Wikipedia Español
Nitinol — Le nitinol est l un des alliages à mémoire de formes (AMF) le plus utilisé. Il est constitué de nickel et de titane. Il provient des travaux de retro ingéniérie de l Institut Battelle dans l Ohio à partir d échantillons fournis par la base de l… … Wikipédia en Français
Nitinol — Ni|ti|nol [Kunstw. aus Nickel, Titan u. engl. Naval Ordnance Laboratory = Marinewaffenlaboratorium in Silver Spring, Maryland/USA (wo die Leg. entwickelt wurde)], das; s: eine Leg. aus 55 % Ni u. 45 % Ti mit sog. Formgedächtnis (↑ Memory… … Universal-Lexikon
Nitinol Biocompatibility — Biocompatibility Overview= Metal implants containing a combination of biocompatible metals or used in conjunction with other biomaterials are often considered the standard for many implant types. When materials are introduced to the body it is… … Wikipedia
Nitinol biocompatibility — Metal implants containing a combination of biocompatible metals or used in conjunction with other biomaterials are often considered the standard for many implant types. When materials are introduced to the body it is important not only that the… … Wikipedia
nitinol — noun Etymology: nickel + titanium + nol (from Naval Ordnance Laboratory, where it was created) Date: 1968 a nonmagnetic alloy of titanium and nickel that after being deformed returns to its original shape upon being reheated … New Collegiate Dictionary
Nitinol — noun An alloy of nickel and titanium that has the ability to return to a predetermined shape when heated … Wiktionary