Nez Percé

Nez Percé
/nez" perrs"/; Fr. /nay perdd say"/, pl. Nez Percés /nez" perr"siz/; Fr. /nay perdd say"/, (esp. collectively) Nez Percé for 1.
1. a member of a North American Indian people of the Sahaptin family.
2. the Sahaptin language of the Nez Percé.
[1805-15; < F: lit., pierced nose]

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North American Indian people living mainly in Idaho, U.S. Their language belongs to the Penutian language group, and their traditional homeland is an area centring on the Snake River in central Idaho, western Oregon, and western Washington.

The name Nez Percé, applied by French Canadian trappers, means "Pierced Noses"; they call themselves Nimíipuu (Nee-me-poo), meaning "The Real People." Their culture was primarily that of the Plateau Indians, with some Plains Indian influence. Their domestic life centred on small villages near streams with abundant salmon; they also hunted small game and collected wild plant foods. After acquiring horses, they began to hunt bison and became more warlike, eventually becoming one of the dominant tribes in the region. Through a series of treaties in the mid-1800s, their traditional territory was severely reduced; the tragic Nez Percé War (1877), led by Chief Joseph, was the result. At the turn of the 21st century, they numbered some 3,300.

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      Sahaptin-speaking North American Indian people centring on the lower Snake River and such tributaries as the Salmon and Clearwater rivers in what is now northeastern Oregon, southeastern Washington, and central Idaho, U.S. They were the largest, most powerful, and best-known of the Sahaptin peoples and were called by various names by other groups; the French name, Nez Percé (“Pierced Nose”), referred to the wearing of nose pendants, though the fashion does not seem to have been widespread among them.

      The Nez Percé were considered to be Plateau Indians (Plateau Indian); as one of the Plateau's easternmost groups, however, they were influenced by the Plains Indians (Plains Indian) just east of the Rockies. Typical of the Plateau, Nez Percé domestic life traditionally centred on small villages located on streams having abundant salmon, which, dried, formed their main source of food. They also sought a variety of game, berries, and roots. Their dwellings were communal lodges, A-framed and mat-covered, varying in size and sometimes housing as many as 30 families.

      After they acquired horses (horse) early in the 18th century, life for the Nez Percé began to change dramatically, at least among some groups. Horse transport enabled them to mount expeditions to the eastern slope of the Rockies, where they hunted bison and traded with Plains peoples. Always somewhat warlike, the Nez Percé became more so, adopting many war honours, war dances, and battle tactics common to the Plains, as well as other forms of equestrian material culture such as the tepee. The Nez Percé built up one of the largest horse herds on the continent; they were almost unique among Native Americans in conducting a selective breeding program, and they were instrumental in creating the Appaloosa breed.

      As the 18th century progressed, the Nez Percé's increased mobility fostered their enrichment and expansionism, and they began to dominate negotiations with other tribes in the region. The 19th century was a period of increasing change in Nez Percé life. Just six years after the explorers Meriwether Lewis and William Clark (Lewis and Clark Expedition) visited the Nez Percé in 1805, fur traders and trappers began penetrating the area; they were followed later by missionaries. By the 1840s emigrant settlers were moving through the area on the Oregon Trail. In 1855 the Nez Percé agreed to a treaty with the United States that created a large reservation encompassing most of their traditional land. The 1860 discovery of gold on the Salmon and Clearwater rivers, which generated an influx of thousands of miners and settlers, led U.S. commissioners in 1863 to force renegotiation of the treaty. The new treaty reduced the size of the reservation by three-fourths, and continued pressure from homesteaders and squatters reduced the area even more.

      Many Nez Percé, perhaps a majority, had never accepted either treaty, and hostile actions and raids by both settlers and Native Americans eventually evolved into the Nez Percé War of 1877. For five months a small band of 250 Nez Percé warriors, under the leadership of Chief Joseph (Joseph, Chief), held off a U.S. force of 5,000 troops led by Gen. O.O. Howard, who tracked them through Idaho, Yellowstone Park, and Montana before they surrendered to Gen. Nelson A. Miles. In the campaign, Chief Joseph lost 239 persons, including women and children, and the U.S. military lost 266. The tribe was then assigned to malarial country in Oklahoma rather than being returned to the Northwest as promised.

      Early 21st-century population estimates indicated approximately 6,500 individuals of Nez Percé descent.

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