- New Journalism
—New Journalist.journalism containing the writer's personal opinions and reactions and often fictional asides as added color.[1965-70]
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Universalium. 2010.
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Universalium. 2010.
New Journalism — Journalism News · Writing style Ethics · Objectivity Values · … Wikipedia
New Journalism — [ njuː dʒəːnəlɪzəm; englisch »neuer Journalismus«] der, , Stilrichtung der amerikanischen Prosa, die seit etwa 1965 dem Zweifel an der Unterscheidung von Fakten und Fiktionen dadurch Rechnung zu tragen versucht, dass tatsächliche Ereignisse mit … Universal-Lexikon
new journalism — [sometimes N J ] n. journalism that incorporates characteristics of and techniques from fiction writing, as by including conversations, characters thoughts, and specific details imagined by the writer … English World dictionary
New Journalism — Gay Talese Der New Journalism (dt. Neuer Journalismus) war ein Reportagestil, der um die Mitte der 1960er Jahre entstand. Er wich von der sonst üblichen journalistischen Praxis insofern ab, als die Autoren höchst subjektiv schrieben und stark auf … Deutsch Wikipedia
New Journalism — New′ Jour′nalism n. jou journalism containing the writer s personal opinions and reactions and often fictional asides as added color … From formal English to slang
new journalism — noun Usage: usually capitalized N&J : journalism that features the author s subjective responses to people and events and that often employs the techniques of fiction • new journalist noun, usually capitalized N&J * * * New Journalist. journalism … Useful english dictionary
New Journalism — noun Date: 1967 journalism that features the author s subjective responses to people and events and that often includes fictional techniques meant to illuminate and dramatize those responses • New Journalist noun … New Collegiate Dictionary
New Journalism — noun A style of news writing and journalism of the 1960s and 1970s, employing literary techniques deemed unconventional at the time … Wiktionary
The New Journalism — is a 1973 anthology of journalism edited by Tom Wolfe and EW Johnson. The book is both a manifesto for a new type of journalism by Wolfe, and a collection of examples of New Journalism by American writers, covering a variety of subjects from the… … Wikipedia
Journalism ethics and standards — comprise principles of ethics and of good practice as applicable to the specific challenges faced by professional journalists. Historically and currently, this subset of media ethics is widely known to journalists as their professional code of… … Wikipedia