
/neuh verdd"/, n.
a city in and the capital of Nièvre, in central France, on the Loire River: Romanesque church. 47,730.

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      town, Nièvre département, Burgundy région, central France, south-southeast of Paris. Situated on the high right bank of the Loire River at its confluence with the Nièvre River, it is a typical old provincial town that has been modernized after the establishment of new industries in the vicinity. At the end of the Roman era it was known as Nevirnum, a name believed to be a contraction of its earlier Roman name Noviodunum Aeduorum. In the Middle Ages it changed hands among the powerful families of Europe several times. In the 16th century it was acquired by the Gonzaga family of Mantua who introduced the manufacture of ceramics into Nevers. The cathedral of Saint-Cyr-et-Sainte-Juliette, built between the 11th and 16th centuries, has been restored after being severely damaged by bombing in World War II. The former palace of the dukes of Nevers now houses the law courts. The chapel of the Saint-Gildard convent contains the body of St. Bernadette Soubirous, the visionary of Lourdes, who lived at Nevers from 1860 to 1879. Nevers is primarily a commercial and administrative centre (housing a small satellite university). It is also a tourist centre and benefits from the Magny-Cours auto-racing track located south of the town. Nevers has a long industrial tradition (including ceramics); more-recent manufacturing activities relate to rubber, plastics, electronics, and components for the automotive industry. Pop. (1999) 40,007; (2005 est.) 37,139.

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Universalium. 2010.

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  • NEVERS — NEVERS, capital of the Nièvre department, central France. In 1208 Pope Innocent III protested vehemently to Hervé, count of Nevers, against the excessively advantageous conditions which he had granted the Jews of his town and county. This… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

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  • Nevers —   [nə vɛːr], Stadt im Nivernais, Frankreich, Verwaltungssitz des Départements Nièvre, an der Mündung der Nièvre in die Loire, 42 000 Einwohner; katholischer Bischofssitz; archäologisches, städtisches und Fayencemuseum; Herstellung von… …   Universal-Lexikon

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