- neuroblast
—neuroblastic, adj./noor"euh blast', nyoor"-/, n.an immature nerve cell.[1890-95; NEURO- + -BLAST]
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Universalium. 2010.
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Universalium. 2010.
neuroblast — NEUROBLÁST s.n. Ectoderm neural. [< fr. neuroblaste, cf. gr. neuron – nerv, blastos – germen]. Trimis de LauraGellner, 13.09.2007. Sursa: DN NEUROBLÁST s. n. celulă nervoasă embrionară. (< fr. neuroblaste) Trimis de raduborza, 15.09.2007 … Dicționar Român
Neuroblast — ⇒ Neurone … Deutsch wörterbuch der biologie
neuroblast — [noor′ō blast΄, nyoor′blast΄] n. [ NEURO + BLAST] any of the embryonic cells from which the nerve cells develop … English World dictionary
Neuroblast — A neuroblast is a dividing cell that will develop into neurons or glia.[citation needed] The characterisation of neuroblasts and their development in Drosophila melanogaster was widely achieved by Chris Doe, Corey Goodman and Mike Bate. In humans … Wikipedia
Neuroblast — Ein Blast (von gr. blastos „Keim“, „Spross“) ist eine junge, nicht endgültig differenzierte Zelle, die sich teilt bzw. Funktionsproteine synthetisiert. Blasten differenzieren in der Regel zu einem speziellen Zelltyp aus. Manche an sich… … Deutsch Wikipedia
neuroblast — n. [Gr. neuron, nerve; blastos, bud] (ARTHROPODA: Insecta) In embryology, the inner layer of ectodermal cells that forms the nervous tissue; see dermatoblasts … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology
neuroblast — Cells arising by division of precursor cells in neural ectoderm (neurectoderm) that subsequently differentiate to become neurons … Dictionary of molecular biology
neuroblast — noun The embryonic cell that develops into a nerve cell … Wiktionary
neuroblast — An embryonic nerve cell. [neuro + G. blastos, germ] * * * neu·ro·blast n(y)u̇r ə .blast n a cellular precursor of a nerve cell esp an undifferentiated embryonic nerve cell neu·ro·blas·tic .n(y)u̇r ə blas tik … Medical dictionary
Neuroblast — Neu|ro|blạst 〈m. 16; Med.〉 unausgereifte Nervenzelle [<grch. neuron „Nerv“ + blastos „Keim, Spross“] * * * Neu|ro|blạst, der; en, en [zu griech. blastós = Spross, Trieb] (Med., Biol.): unausgereifte Nervenzelle … Universal-Lexikon