
/nerr"theuhs/, n. Germanic Myth.
goddess of fertility, described by Tacitus in his Germania: later appeared in Scandinavian mythology as the god Njord. Cf. Njord.

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Ancient Germanic goddess.

Tacitus refers to her as Mother Earth and says she was worshiped by seven tribes. Her worship centered on a temple in a sacred grove on an island in the Baltic Sea. She was believed to enjoy visiting her people. Her presence was discerned by her priest, and while she was among them her people lived in peace. Her identification with the god Njörd suggests that she may have been a hermaphrodite.

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Germanic deity
      ancient Germanic goddess known from a report of her given by the Roman historian Tacitus, who in his Germania (late 1st century AD) refers to her as Terra Mater, or Mother Earth, and says that she was worshiped by seven tribes (among whom were the Angles, who later invaded England). Her worship centred on a temple in a sacred grove on an island in the Baltic Sea. She was believed to enjoy coming among her people, riding in a chariot pulled by cows. Her presence was discerned by her priest, and while she was among them her people lived in peace, with no war or fighting and much rejoicing. When she returned to her temple, she and her chariot were washed in a sacred lake by slaves, who were then drowned in the lake.

      Her name is to be identified with that of Njörd (Njǫrd), who, however, was a god. Thus, her sex is questionable, and she may have been hermaphroditic. Many elements of her ritual can be seen in later Germanic religion.

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