
/nek'teuh reen", nek"teuh reen'/, n.
a variety or mutation of peach having a smooth, downless skin.
[1610-20; NECTAR + -INE1]

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Smooth-skinned peach (Prunus persicanectarina'), grown throughout warmer temperate regions.

They result when some peaches self-pollinate or are crossed so that they express a genetic factor for smooth skin. Nectarines are commonly eaten fresh or cooked in desserts and jams; they are a good source of vitamins A and C.

Nectarine (Prunus persica var. nectarina)

J.C. Allen and Son

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 (Prunus persica variety nectarina), smooth-skinned peach of the family Rosaceae, known for more than 2,000 years and grown throughout the warmer temperate regions of both the Northern and Southern hemispheres. In tree shape and leaf characteristics the peach and nectarine are indistinguishable, but nectarine fruits look more like plums than peaches because of the smooth skin. The stones and kernels of the two fruits are alike in appearance. Nectarines have red, yellow, or white flesh and are a source of vitamins A and C. They are commonly eaten fresh, or cooked in conserves, jams, and pies.

      As in peaches, there are clingstone and freestone nectarines. When some peaches are crossed or self-pollinated, the resulting seeds that carry the factor for smooth skin may give rise to nectarines, while those that do not carry this factor will be peaches. Nectarines may sometimes appear on peach trees as a result of the process of bud variation, or bud sporting, a vegetative deviation from the normal. Cultivation of nectarines is essentially the same as for peaches, with best results usually obtained on well-drained sandy or gravelly loams, enriched with nitrogen.

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  • nectarine — (n.) type of peach with smooth skin, 1660s, noun use of adjective meaning of or like nectar (1610s; see NECTAR (Cf. nectar) + INE (Cf. ine) (1)). Probably inspired by Ger. nektarpfirsich nectar peach. Earlier in English as nectrine …   Etymology dictionary

  • nectarine — ► NOUN ▪ a variety of peach with smooth, brightly coloured skin and rich firm flesh. ORIGIN originally in the sense «nectar like»: from NECTAR(Cf. ↑nectarivorous) …   English terms dictionary

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  • nectarine — noun Etymology: obsolete nectarine, adjective, like nectar Date: 1611 a peach with a smooth skinned fruit that is a frequent somatic mutation of the normal peach; also its fruit …   New Collegiate Dictionary

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