
/naz"euh ruyt'/, n.

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      (from Hebrew nazar,to abstain from,” orto consecrate oneself to”), among the ancient Hebrews, a sacred person whose separation was most commonly marked by his uncut hair and his abstinence from wine. Originally, the Nazirite was endowed with special charismatic gifts and normally held his status for life. Later, the term was applied to a man who had voluntarily vowed to undertake special religious observances for a limited period of time, the completion of which was marked by the presentation of offerings (Numbers 6; 1 Maccabees 3:49; Acts 21:24).

      The early Nazirite was a holy man whose peculiar endowment, credited to his possession ofthe Spirit of the Lord,” was displayed in unusual psychic or physical qualities marked by spontaneity, ecstasy, and dynamic enthusiasm. In this respect he had much in common with the early ecstatic prophets (prophecy) and with diviners, such as Balaam (Numbers 2224), both indigenous to the Middle East. Both the Nazirite and the prophet were also close to the warrior, who was likewise in a sacred state while on duty. Samson the Nazirite was a holy warrior whose special power was most closely related to his unshorn hair. In Israel such natural powers as were represented by the growth of hair were treated as signs of the power of the God of Israel, to be used in God's service.

      The later Nazirite as described in Numbers 6 and in the Mishna was not a charismatic person. He simply retained the old requirements of long hair and abstinence from wine and was forbidden to touch a corpse. These requirements were treated as external signs of a vow.

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  • Nazirite — or Nazarite noun Etymology: Late Latin nazaraeus, from Greek naziraios, nazaraios, from Hebrew nāzīr, literally, consecrated Date: 1560 a Jew of biblical times consecrated to God by a vow to avoid drinking wine, cutting the hair, and being… …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • Nazirite — n. Jewish person in biblical times who had taken some strict religious vows of abstinence (such as not to drink wine or cut their hair), Nazarite …   English contemporary dictionary

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