NAVSTAR Global Positioning System

NAVSTAR Global Positioning System
a global system of U.S. navigational satellites developed to provide precise positional and velocity data and global time synchronization for air, sea, and land travel.
[nav(igation) s(ystem using) t(ime) a(nd) r(anging)]

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Universalium. 2010.

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  • NAVSTAR Global Positioning System — The global positioning system (GPS) is based on a constellation of twenty four satellites at 12,625 miles (20,200 km) above the earth in six orbits. Each of these satellites completes one orbit of the earth in 11 h and 58 min (i.e., two orbits in …   Aviation dictionary

  • NAVSTAR Global Positioning System — /nav stahr / a global system of U.S. navigational satellites developed to provide precise positional and velocity data and global time synchronization for air, sea, and land travel. [nav(igation) s(ystem using) t(ime) a(nd) r(anging)] …   Useful english dictionary

  • Global Positioning System — GPS redirects here. For other uses, see GPS (disambiguation). Geodesy Fundamentals …   Wikipedia

  • Global Positioning System. — See NAVSTAR Global Positioning System. Abbr.: GPS * * * …   Universalium

  • Global Positioning System. — See NAVSTAR Global Positioning System. Abbr.: GPS …   Useful english dictionary

  • Global Positioning System — NAVSTAR Satellit der zweiten Generation Bewegung der Satelliten über der Erde Global Positioning System (GPS), offiziell NAVSTAR GPS, ist ein globales Navigationssatelliten …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Global positioning system — Pour les articles homonymes, voir GPS (homonymie). Le Global Positioning System plus connu par son sigle GPS, que l on peut traduire en français par « système de positionnement mondial » ou encore (en respectant le sigle) Géo… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Global Positioning System — Glob al Po*si tion*ing Sys tem n. (gl[=o] b l p[ o]*z[i^]sh [u^]n*[i^]ng s[i^]s t[e^]m) A worldwide system of electronic navigation in which a vessel, aircraft or missile determines its latitude and longitude by measuring the transmission time… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Global Positioning System — « GPS » redirige ici. Pour les autres significations, voir GPS (homonymie). Un satellite NAVSTAR (Navigation Satellite Timing And Ranging) appartenant à la constellation du GPS …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Introduction to the Global Positioning System — The Global Positioning System (GPS) is the only fully functional Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS). The GPS uses a constellation of between 24 and 32 Medium Earth Orbit satellites that transmit precise microwave signals, that enable GPS… …   Wikipedia

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