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Natriuresis — is the process of excretion of sodium in the urine via action of the kidneys. Natriuresis is promoted (more sodium is excreted) by Brain and Atrial natriuretic peptides, and it is inhibited (sodium is conserved) by chemicals such as aldosterone.… … Wikipedia
natriuresis — excreción de una cantidad de sodio en orina superior a la normal, como la derivada de la administración de fármacos diuréticos natriuréticos o de distintos procesos metabólicos o endocrinos Diccionario ilustrado de Términos Médicos.. Alvaro… … Diccionario médico
Natriuresis — The excretion of an excessively large amount of sodium in the urine. Natriuresis is similar to diuresis (the excretion of an unusually large quantity of urine), except that in natriuresis the urine is exceptionally salty. Natriuresis is a ancient … Medical dictionary
natriuresis — noun Etymology: New Latin, from natrium sodium (from International Scientific Vocabulary natron) + uresis urination, from Greek ourēsis, from ourein to urinate more at urine Date: 1957 excessive loss of sodium in the urine • natriuretic adjective … New Collegiate Dictionary
natriuresis — noun The presence of (excessive) sodium salts in the urine … Wiktionary
natriuresis — [ˌneɪtrɪjʊ(ə) ri:sɪs, ˌnat ] noun Physiology excretion of sodium in the urine. Derivatives natriuretic adjective Origin 1950s: from natron + Gk ourēsis urination … English new terms dictionary
natriuresis — na·tri·ure·sis … English syllables
natriuresis — n. the excretion of sodium in the urine, especially in greater than normal amounts … The new mediacal dictionary
natriuresis — na•tri•u•re•sis [[t]ˌneɪ trə yʊˈri sɪs[/t]] n. phl excretion of sodium in the urine • Etymology: 1957; natrium sodium (< G; see natron) + uresis < Gk oúrēsis urination =ourē , var. s. of oureîn to urinate + sis sis na tri•u•ret′ic ˈrɛt ɪk… … From formal English to slang
natriuresis — noun the presence of abnormally large amounts of sodium in the urine • Derivationally related forms: ↑natriuretic • Hypernyms: ↑symptom … Useful english dictionary