
/nan"euh/, n.
1. Chiefly Northeastern U.S. grandmother; grandma.
2. Gulf States. godmother.
3. Chiefly Southeastern U.S. a child's nursemaid; nanny.
[1835-45; nursery word; cf. NANNY]

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▪ Apache leader
also called  Nanay 
born 1800/15?
died , ?1895

      Chiricahua Apache Indian warrior who was one of the leaders in the Apaches' final resistance against white domination.

      Nana was a member of the Eastern band of the Chiricahua Apaches, who ranged throughout western New Mexico. He took part in raids on Mexicans and Americans with such Chiricahua leaders as Geronimo and Victorio. By the 1870s he had joined Victorio on the Apache reservation at Warm Springs, New Mexico, but in about 1877 they and their followers were moved by the U.S. government to an inhospitable reservation at San Carlos, Ariz. Victorio and many members of his band were killed by Mexican army troops in 1880 after they had fled the reservation and taken to raiding. Nana, who had not been with Victorio's band when it was wiped out, took over the leadership of its survivors and began terrorizing parts of Texas, southwestern New Mexico, and northern Chihuahua state in Mexico. Pursued by U.S. Army troops, Nana took his band of 30 or 40 followers on a two-month-long chase through New Mexico that covered more than 1,000 miles (1,600 km). His band killed 40 to 50 Americans, fought and won a dozen skirmishes with U.S. troops, and successfully eluded the pursuit of more than 1,400 soldiers. Nana and his band retreated southward into the Sierra Madre mountains of northern Mexico, but in 1883 he surrendered to the American general George Crook and returned with his followers to the San Carlos reservation. He broke out in 1885 along with Geronimo but was recaptured with the latter in 1886. After being deported to Florida with Geronimo and the other remaining rebellious Apaches, Nana spent the last years of his life on the Chiricahua reservation at Fort Sill, Okla.

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