- Naismith
/nay"smith/, n.
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Universalium. 2010.
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Universalium. 2010.
Naismith — ist der Familienname folgender Personen: James Naismith (1861–1939), Erfinder der Sportart Basketball Laurence Naismith (1908–1992), britischer Schauspieler Steven Naismith (* 1986), schottischer Fußballspieler Sonstiges: Naismith Award, Preis… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Naismith — (izg. nèjsmit), James A. (1861 1939) DEFINICIJA kanadsko američki nastavnik fizičkog odgoja; 1891. izmislio košarku koja se ubrzo širi diljem SAD a; prvi uveo zaštitne kacige za igrače u američkom nogometu … Hrvatski jezični portal
Naismith — This page includes variants Nasmith, Nasmyth, and Naysmith. Contents 1 General 2 Places 3 Companies 4 People 4.1 Naismith … Wikipedia
Naismith — Recorded in a number of spellings including Naismith, Nasmith, Naesmith, Naysmith, Knifesmith, Neasmith, and possibly others, this is an Anglo Scottsh medieval surname. It is occupational and originates from the pre 7th century Olde English words … Surnames reference
Naismith — noun United States educator (born in Canada) who invented the game of basketball (1861 1939) • Syn: ↑James Naismith • Instance Hypernyms: ↑educator, ↑pedagogue, ↑pedagog … Useful english dictionary
Naismith College Player of the Year — The Naismith Trophy that was presented to Tina Charles in 2010. Awarded for the most outstanding male and female basketball player Presented by Atlanta Tipoff Club … Wikipedia
Naismith Award — is a basketball award named after Dr. James Naismith, and awarded by the Atlanta Tipoff Club. The Naismith Award can be: Naismith College Player of the Year (men s and women s; NCAA Division I basketball) Naismith College Coach of the Year (men s … Wikipedia
Naismith College Coach of the Year — Awarded for the two most outstanding men s and women s basketball head coaches in the United States Presented by Atlanta Tipoff Club First awarded 1987 Currently held by Steve Fisher, San Diego State (men) … Wikipedia
Naismith's Rule — is a rule of thumb that helps in the planning of a walking or hiking expedition by calculating how long it will take to walk the route, including ascents. The rule was devised by William W. Naismith, a Scottish mountaineer, in 1892. The basic… … Wikipedia
Naismith Cup — Sport Basketball Founded 1995 Country(ies) Worldwide Ceased 2004 Last champion(s) Toronto Raptors The Naismith Cup was an annual pre season National Basketball Association (NBA) exhibiti … Wikipedia
Naismith College Player Of The Year — Le trophée Naismith College Player of the Year, du nom de l inventeur du basket ball James Naismith, est un trophée récompensant le meilleur joueur universitaire de l année. Le gagnant est désigné par un comité de sélection composé des précédents … Wikipédia en Français