
/neuh gah"neuh/, n. Vet. Pathol.
1. a disease of horses and other animals, widespread in parts of Africa, caused by the organism Trypanosoma brucei, and transmitted by a variety of tsetse fly.
2. any trypanosomal disease of animals that is transmitted by the tsetse fly.
Also, n'gana.
[1890-95; < Nguni; cf. Zulu unukane, ulunakane, izinakane]

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      a form of the disease trypanosomiasis (q.v.), occurring chiefly in cattle and horses and caused by several species of the protozoan Trypanosoma. The disease, which occurs in southern and central Africa, is carried from animal to animal chiefly by tsetse flies. Signs of infection include fever, muscular wasting, anemia, and swelling of tissues (edema). There is discharge from eyes and nose. First the hindlegs and then other parts of the body become paralyzed. The spleen, lymph nodes, and liver become enlarged, and the spinal cord is affected.

      Other forms of trypanosomiasis transmitted by flies include surra (found in Southeast Asia and Africa), a disease of cattle and horses caused by T. evansi, and mal de caderas, caused by T. equinum and occurring in South America.

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