
/nah"gah/, n.
a city on E Cebu, in the S central Philippines. 90,712.
/nah"gah/, n., pl. Nagas, (esp. collectively) Naga for 1.
1. a member of any of the disparate tribal peoples of Nagaland and bordering areas of Burma.
2. any of the Tibeto-Burman languages spoken by the Naga.

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In Hindu and Buddhist mythology, a semidivine being, half human and half serpent.

Nagas can assume either wholly human or wholly serpentine form. They live in an underground kingdom filled with beautiful palaces that are adorned with gems. Brahma is said to have relegated the nagas to the nether regions and to have commanded them to bite only the truly evil or those destined to die prematurely. Nagas are also associated with waters
rivers, lakes, seas, and wells
and are regarded as guardians of treasure. In Buddhism it is believed that the snake king sheltered the Buddha from rain for seven days while he was meditating.

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      city, southeastern Luzon, Philippines. It is situated along the Bicol River, south of San Miguel Bay. Founded in 1573 as Nueva Caceres by the Spaniards, it is the site every September of a festival in honour of Nuestra Señora de (“Our Lady of”) Peñafrancia, the patroness of the Bicol Peninsula. Naga has a large cathedral and is the seat of a bishopric. The University of Nueva Caceres (1948) is located there. The city is a regional commercial and agricultural centre; it is a major stop on the Manila-South Railroad and a major road junction, and it has an airport. Mount Isarog National Park is nearby. Inc. city, 1948. Pop. (2000) 137,810.

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