
/muy sawr", -sohr"/, n.
1. a city in S Karnataka, in S India. 355,636.
2. former name of Karnataka.

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City (pop., 2001 prelim.: 742,261), southern Karnataka state, southern India.

Situated midway between the Kaveri and Kabbani rivers, the site was inhabited before the 3rd century BC. The city was the capital of the princely state of Mysore (17991831), then it was occupied by the British. The state's second largest city, it is an important industrial centre producing textiles, chemicals, and foodstuffs. Sites of interest include the 17th-century British residency, the maharaja's palace, and the University of Mysore (founded 1916). Nearby Chamundi Hill has a monolith representing Nandi, the sacred bull of the Hindu deity Shiva.

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also spelled  Mysuru 

      city, south-central Karnataka (Karnātaka) state, southern India. It lies northwest of Chamundi Hill and midway between the Kaveri and Kabbani rivers on the undulating Deccan Plateau at an elevation of 2,525 feet (770 metres). The land surrounding the city is characterized by rain-filled shallow depressions (tanks). The site was mentioned in the epic Mahabharata as Mahishmati (Mahismati); it was known as Purigere in the Mauryan era (3rd century BCE) and later became Mahishapura. It was the administrative capital of the princely state of Mysore from 1799 to 1831 and remains the second largest city (after Bangalore [Bengaluru]) of Karnataka state.

      An important manufacturing and trading centre, Mysore has textile (cotton and silk), rice, and oil mills, sandalwood-oil and chemical factories, and tanneries. The suburb of Belagula, to the northwest, produces chrome dyes and chemical fertilizer. The city's industries are powered by the hydroelectric station near Sivasamudram Island to the east. Mysore's cottage industries include cotton weaving, tobacco and coffee processing, and the making of bidis (cigarettes). The area is known for its artwork in ivory, metal, and wood, and the market near the railway station serves as a collection centre for local farm products. The city has an airport, lies at the junction of two northern railway lines, and is a major intersection on India's principal western road system.

      An ancient fort, rebuilt along European lines in the 18th century, stands in the centre of Mysore. The fort area comprises the Maharaja's Palace (1897) with its ivory and gold throne, Curzon Park, the Silver Jubilee Clock Tower (1927), Gandhi Square, and two statues of maharajas. To the west, near Gordon Park, are the former British residency (1805), the noted Oriental Library, university buildings, and public offices. Jaganmohan Palace and Lalitha Mahal are other notable buildings. The University of Mysore was founded in 1916; other educational facilities include Maharaja's College, Maharani's College for Women, and affiliated colleges of medicine, law, engineering, and teacher training. There are also several institutions for the advancement of Kannada (Kannada language) culture.

      Pilgrims frequent Chamundi Hill (about 3,490 feet [1,064 metres]), with its monolith of Nandi, the sacred bull of Shiva; the summit affords an excellent view of the Nilgiri Hills to the south. Krishnaraja Lake, a large reservoir with a dam, lies 12 miles (19 km) northwest of Mysore at the Kaveri River. Spreading below the dam are the terraced Vrindavan Gardens with their cascades and fountains, which are floodlit at night. Somnathpur, to the east, has a temple built (1268) under the Hoysala dynasty. Bandipur Sanctuary, part of the Venugopal Wildlife Park (1941), is usually approached from Mysore; it is noted for herds of gaur (Indian bison) and spotted deer, has a network of roads for observation, and adjoins Mudumalai Wildlife Sanctuary in Tamil Nadu state. The area in which Mysore is situated is drained by the Kaveri River and its tributaries. Cotton is grown on large tracts of black soil, and rice, millet, and oilseed are exported. Pop. (2001) 755,379.

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Universalium. 2010.

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