- mut
/mut/, n.mutt.mut2/mut/, n. Print.mutton2.[by shortening]
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Mut may have originated either in the Nile River delta or in Middle Egypt. During the 18th dynasty (1539–1292 BC), she became the companion of the god Amon at Thebes. Amon, Mut, and the young god Khons (said to be her son) formed the Theban triad. The name Mut means "mother," and her role was that of an older woman among the gods. She was usually represented as a woman wearing a double crown; she was also sometimes depicted with the head of a lioness.* * *
▪ Egyptian goddessin Egyptian religion, a sky goddess and great divine mother. Mut is thought to have originated in the Nile River delta or in Middle Egypt. She came to prominence during the 18th dynasty (1539–1292 BCE) as the companion of the god Amon at Thebes, forming the Theban triad with him and with the youthful god Khons, who was said to be Mut's son. The name Mut means “mother,” and her role was that of an older woman among the gods. She was associated with the uraeus (rearing cobra), lionesses, and royal crowns.At Thebes the principal festival of Mut was her “navigation” on the distinctive horseshoe-shaped lake, or Isheru, that surrounded her temple complex at Karnak. Mut was usually represented as a woman wearing the double crown (of Upper (Upper Egypt) and Lower Egypt) typically worn by the king and by the god Atum. She was also occasionally depicted with the head of a lioness, particularly when identified with other goddesses, principally Bastet and Sekhmet.* * *
Universalium. 2010.