music box

music box
a box or case containing an apparatus for producing music mechanically, as by means of a comblike steel plate with tuned teeth sounded by small pegs or pins in the surface of a revolving cylinder or disk.
Also, esp. Brit., musical box.

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Mechanical musical instrument in which projecting pins on a revolving brass cylinder or disk, encoding a piece of music, pluck tuned steel tongues.

It was probably invented с 1780 in Switzerland. With its modular cylinders or disks, it was a popular domestic instrument until displaced by the player piano and phonograph.

German music box, with disk in playing position, from Leipzig, c. 1900

By courtesy of the Musical Wonder House, Wiscasset, Maine; photograph, John Spinks

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musical device
also called  musical box, 
 mechanical musical instrument that is sounded when tuned metal prongs, or teeth, mounted in a line on a flat comb are made to vibrate by contact with a revolving cylinder or disk that is driven by a clockwork mechanism. As the cylinder or disk revolves, small pins or other projections mounted on its surface pluck the pointed ends of the metal teeth, causing them to vibrate and produce musical notes. The sequence of notes produced is determined by the arrangement of projections on the cylinder. The deeper the teeth are cut into the comb or flat plate, the lower their pitch when plucked. A watch spring and clockwork move the cylinder, and a fly regulator governs the rate. The music box was a popular household instrument from about 1810 until the early 20th century, when the player piano and the phonograph rendered it obsolete.

      The music box was probably invented about 1770 in Switzerland. The earliest music boxes were small enough to be enclosed in a pocket watch, but they were gradually built in larger sizes and housed in rectangular wooden boxes. A typical large music box had a comb of 96 steel teeth plucked by pins on a brass cylinder 13 inches (330 mm) long, and the cylinder could be changed to allow different musical selections. Changing and storing the cylinders proved cumbersome, however, and so in the 1890s they were replaced by a large-diameter metal disk (shaped and revolved somewhat like a phonograph record) with projections or slots on its surface to pluck the teeth. The disks, which reached 2.5 feet (75 cm) in diameter, could be easily changed, and disk music boxes had displaced cylinder models in popularity by 1900. By 1910, however, music boxes had been largely replaced by the phonograph. The music box is one of several idiophones (instruments whose sounding parts are resonant solids) that are plucked rather than vibrated by percussion.

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