- multiply-connected
connected but not simply-connected.[1880-85]
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Universalium. 2010.
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Universalium. 2010.
multiply-connected — /mul teuh plee keuh nek tid/, adj. Math. connected but not simply connected. [1880 85] … Useful english dictionary
Connected Mathematics — is a comprehensive, problem centered curriculum designed for all students in grades 6 8 based on the NCTM standards. The curriculum was developed by the Connected Mathematics Project (CMP) at Michigan State University and funded by the National… … Wikipedia
Multiply (website) — This article is about the website. For the mathematical concept, see multiplication. Multiply M … Wikipedia
Timelike simply connected — Suppose a Lorentzian manifold contains a closed timelike curve (CTC). No CTC can be continuously deformed as a CTC (is timelike homotopic) to a point, as that point would not be causally well behaved. Therefore, any Lorentzian manifold containing … Wikipedia
Simply connected space — In topology, a topological space is called simply connected (or 1 connected) if it is path connected and every path between two points can be continuously transformed, staying within the space, into any other path while preserving the two… … Wikipedia
Homotopy — This article is about topology. For chemistry, see Homotopic groups. The two dashed paths shown above are homotopic relative to their endpoints. The animation represents one possible homotopy. In topology, two continuous functions from one… … Wikipedia
Timelike homotopy — On a Lorentzian manifold, certain curves are distinguished as timelike. A timelike homotopy between two timelike curves is a homotopy such that each intermediate curve is timelike. No closed timelike curve (CTC) on a Lorentzian manifold is… … Wikipedia
Henry Landau — Henry Jacob Landau is an American mathematician, known forhis contributions to information theory, in particular to the theory of bandlimited functions and on moment (mathematics) issuesHe received a A.B. (1953), A.M. (1955) and Ph.D. (1957) from … Wikipedia
Covering space — A covering map satisfies the local triviality condition. Intuitively, such maps locally project a stack of pancakes above an open region, U, onto U. In mathematics, more specifically algebraic topology, a covering map is a continuous surjective… … Wikipedia
Mitsuhiro Shishikura — (宍倉 光広, Shishikura Mitsuhiro?, born November 27, 1960) is a Japanese mathematician working in the field of complex dynamics. He is currently professor at Kyoto University in Japan. Shishikura became internationally recognized[1] for two of his… … Wikipedia