- mujahedin
/mooh jah'he deen"/, n.pl. (sometimes cap.)Muslim guerrilla fighters, esp. in Afghanistan and Iran.
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Universalium. 2010.
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Universalium. 2010.
mujahedin — mujahedín s. m., pl. mujahedíni Trimis de gall, 06.02.2008. Sursa: DOOM 2 … Dicționar Român
mujahedin — or mujahideen [mo͞o΄jä hə dēn′] pl.n. [also in italics] the members of a Muslim guerrilla force that claims divine authority for its activities … English World dictionary
mujahedin — noun a military force of Muslim guerilla warriors engaged in a jihad some call the mujahidin international warriors but others just call them terrorists • Syn: ↑mujahidin, ↑mujahedeen, ↑mujahadeen, ↑mujahadin, ↑mujahideen, ↑mujahadein … Useful english dictionary
mujahedin — noun plural see mujahideen … New Collegiate Dictionary
Mujahedin — Dieser Artikel oder Abschnitt bedarf einer Überarbeitung. Näheres ist auf der Diskussionsseite angegeben. Hilf mit, ihn zu verbessern, und entferne anschließend diese Markierung. Der Ausdruck Mudschahid (arabisch مجاهد, DMG Muğāhid, „derjenige … Deutsch Wikipedia
mujahedin — mu·ja·he·din s.m.inv. var. → mujaheddin … Dizionario italiano
mujahedin — mu|ja|he|din [ ,mujahə din, ,mujəhə din ] noun plural soldiers belonging to an Islamic armed group … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
mujahedin — n. (Arabic) holy warriors; military opposition groups which fought against the Soviet occupation of Afghanistan (1979 89) … English contemporary dictionary
mujahedin — (moo jah heh DEEN) [Arabic or Persian: one who fights in a jihad] In Afghanistan and Iran, the Muslim rebels or guerrilla fighters. Also written mujaheddin, mujahidin … Dictionary of foreign words and phrases
mujahedin — [ˌmʊdʒα:hɪ di:n] (also mujahidin, mujaheddin, or mujahideen) plural noun Islamic guerrilla fighters. Origin from Pers. and Arab. mujāhidīn, colloq. plural of mujāhid, denoting a person who fights a jihad … English new terms dictionary