
/mud"min'oh/, n., pl. (esp. collectively) mudminnow, (esp. referring to two or more kinds or species) mudminnows.
any of several small, carnivorous fishes of the genera Umbra and Novumbra, found in muddy streams and pools.
[1865-70, Amer.; MUD + MINNOW]

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      any of several hardy fishes, family Umbridae (order Esociformes), found in cool, mud-bottomed ponds, lakes, and streams of southeastern Europe and North America. Somewhat pikelike fishes with rounded snouts and tails, mudminnows are about 7.5 to 15 cm (3 to 6 inches) long. They frequently bury themselves, tail first, in the mud; they can survive in water too low in oxygen to support other fishes.

      The seven or so species are of the genera Umbra, Novumbra, and Dallia. In North America the eastern mudminnow (U. pygmaea) is sometimes called rockfish, and the central mudminnow (U. limi) mudfish or dogfish. Mudminnows are often used as bait and sometimes kept in home aquariums.

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