
Sp. /mooh dhe"hahrdd/, n., pl. Mudéjares /-hah rddes'/, adj.
1. a Muslim permitted to remain in Spain after the Christian reconquest, esp. during the 8th to the 13th centuries.
2. of or pertaining to a style of Spanish architecture from the 13th to 16th centuries, a fusion of Romanesque and Gothic with Arabic.
[1860-65; < Sp < Ar muddajjan permitted to stay]

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(from Arabic mudajjan: "permitted to remain") Any member of a group of Muslims who remained in Spain after the Christian reconquest of the Iberian Peninsula (11th15th century).

In return for payment of a tax, the Mudejars were a protected minority, allowed to keep their religion, language, and customs. They formed separate communities in larger towns, where they were subject to their own Muslim laws. By the 13th century they had begun to use Spanish, which they wrote in Arabic characters. After 1492 they were forced to leave Spain or convert to Christianity, and by the early 17th century more than three million Spanish Muslims had been expelled.

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Spanish Muslim community
Spanish  Mudéjar 

      (from Arabic mudajjan, “permitted to remain”), any of the Muslims who remained in Spain after the Reconquista, or Christian reconquest, of the Iberian Peninsula (11th15th century). In return for the payment of a poll tax, the Mudejarsmost of whom converted to Islam after the Arab invasion of Spain in the 8th centurywere a protected minority, allowed to retain their own religion, language, and customs. With leaders assigned by the local Christian princes, they formed separate communities and quarters in larger towns, where they were subject to their own Muslim laws.

      The Mudejars were highly skilled craftsmen who created an extremely successful mixture of Arabic and Spanish artistic elements. The Mudejar style is marked by the frequent use of the horseshoe arch and the vault, and it distinguishes the church and palace architecture of Toledo, Córdoba, Sevilla (Seville), and Valencia. The Mudejar hand is also evident in the ornamentation of wood and ivory, metalwork, ceramics, and textiles; and their lustre pottery is second only to that of the Chinese.

      By the 13th century, the Mudejars, especially those in the kingdom of Castile, had abandoned Arabic for the Castilian spoken by their Christian (Christianity) neighbours. They continued to write in Arabic, however, giving rise to their characteristic aljamiado literature.

      Although valued for their artistic and economic contributions, the Mudejars faced increasing difficulties as Christian princes strengthened their grip on Spain, imposing an intolerable tax burden on the Mudejars and demanding forced labour and military service from them. The Mudejars also were expected to wear distinctive clothing and by the 14th century were forbidden to pray in public. When Granada, the last Muslim stronghold in Spain, fell in 1492, the situation of the Mudejars deteriorated even more rapidly. They were now forced to leave the country or convert to Christianity. Those who stayed and accepted baptism, the Moriscos (Morisco) (Spanish:Little Moors”), often did not truly convert and practiced their Islamic faith secretly. Christian authorities continued to persecute them, and by 1614 the last of an estimated 3,000,000 Spanish Muslims had been expelled from the peninsula.

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