
/moohs/, n.
1. Cookery.
a. a sweetened dessert with whipped cream as a base, often stabilized with gelatin and chilled in a mold: chocolate mousse.
b. an aspic, unsweetened and containing meat, vegetables, or fish: salmon mousse.
2. a foamy preparation used on the hair to help hold it in place, applied usually to damp hair before grooming or styling and worked in until absorbed.
[1890-95; < F: moss, froth < Gmc; see MOSS]

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      savoury or sweet dish with the consistency of a dense foam, composed of a puréed chief ingredient mixed with stiffly beaten egg whites, whipped cream, or both. Mousses are almost always cold dishes, sweet mousses sometimes being served frozen. Savoury mousses are frequently prepared from poultry, foie gras, fish, or shellfish, to be eaten as a first course or light entree. They may be stabilized by the addition of gelatin.

      Chocolate and mocha mousses are sometimes made with a custard base. For a fruit mousse, pureed fruit or juice replaces the milk in the custard. The term mousse is also used for gelatin desserts that are whipped to a froth after they have partially set.

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