
/moh"toh kraws', -kros'/, n.
a timed motorcycle race over a closed course consisting of a winding dirt trail with hills, jumps, sharp turns, and often muddy terrain.
[ < F: equiv. to moto(cycle) MOTORCYCLE + cross(-country) CROSS-COUNTRY]

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Form of motorcycle racing in which cyclists compete on a closed course marked out over natural or simulated rough terrain.

Courses vary widely but must be 1.55 km (13 mi) in length, with steep inclines, hairpin turns, and mud. Motorcycles are grouped into classes according to engine displacement (e.g., 125-, 250-, 500-cc). It is probably the most physically demanding motorcycle sport.

Motocross racing

Kinney Jones

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 form of motorcycle racing in which cyclists compete on a course marked out over open and often rough terrain. Courses vary widely but must be 1.5 to 5 km (1 to 3 miles) in length in international competition, with steep uphill and downhill grades, wet or muddy areas, and many left and right turns of varying difficulty. Motocross is probably the most physically demanding motorcycle sport, although its races are quite short40 minutes or less for each of the two heats of a race. Riders must use the same motorcycle throughout a race, with repairs made between heats if necessary. A cotton jersey, nylon pants padded at the knee and thigh, padded boots and gloves, a helmet and goggles, a plastic chest protector, and a kidney belt for support constitute the usual outfit of the motocross cyclist.

      For international competition, under supervision of the Fédération Internationale Motocycliste, motorcycles are grouped in three classes according to engine-displacement limits of 125, 250, and 500 cubic centimetres. A world-championship series of races in each class is held annually. Motocross competition has been organized in Europe since the early 1950s, although motocross events are also held in other parts of the world.

      Supercross, which began in the United States in the early 1970s, is an indoor version of motocross. Supercross is run on artificial dirt tracks constructed in large arenas. While courses are typically shorter than those in motocross, they feature more frequent and longer jumps.

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