
/moh sahd"/ n.
the Israeli intelligence service, established in 1951.

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Hebrew Mossad Merkazi le-Modiin U-letafkidim Meyuhadim ("Central Institute for Intelligence and Security")

Most important of Israel's major intelligence agencies.

The Mossad carries out foreign espionage and covert political and paramilitary operations. Its director reports directly to the prime minister. It has enjoyed considerable success in operations against the country's Arab neighbours and Palestinian organizations, and it has an excellent reputation internationally for its effectiveness. Its secret agents are credited with the apprehension of Adolf Eichmann in Argentina, the execution of the killers of Israeli athletes at the 1972 Olympics, and the rescue of Israeli hostages in the Entebbe incident. In the late 20th and early 21st centuries, the Mossad was criticized for its treatment of detainees, many of whom were allegedly tortured and killed while in custody, and for its efforts to assassinate some Palestinian political leaders.

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Israeli intelligence agency
Mossad also spelled  Mosad,  in full  Mossad Merkazi Le-modiin U-letafkidim Meyuhadim 

      (Hebrew:Central Institute for Intelligence and Security”), one of the five major intelligence organizations of Israel, being concerned with espionage, intelligence gathering, and covert political operations in foreign countries.

      Mossad is the most important Israeli intelligence agency, and its head reports directly to Israel's prime minister. The Mossad maintains numerous Israeli secret agents in Arab and other nations, and its operatives are believed to have carried out undercover operations against enemies of Israel and former Nazi war criminals living abroad. In 1960, for instance, Mossad agents kidnapped the former Nazi Adolf Eichmann (Eichmann, Adolf) from Argentina and brought him to Israel to stand trial for war crimes. Mossad agents are thought to have tracked down and assassinated the Arab guerrilla leaders responsible for the massacre of Israeli athletes at the 1972 Munich Olympic Games. In 1976 Mossad agents rescued the hostages of a skyjacked Israeli airliner that was being held at Entebbe (Entebbe raid), Uganda. Mossad has also been linked with several assassinations of Palestinian leaders in Europe, the Middle East, and North Africa.

      Isser Harel, who founded the Mossad in 1951 and served as its director until 1963, is credited with building the Mossad into a professional organization.

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