morning-after — [môrn iŋ af′tər] adj. Informal 1. having to do with a morning after or the depressed feelings usually associated with it 2. designating or of a pill taken after sexual intercourse to prevent pregnancy * * * … Universalium
morning-after — [môrn iŋ af′tər] adj. Informal 1. having to do with a morning after or the depressed feelings usually associated with it 2. designating or of a pill taken after sexual intercourse to prevent pregnancy … English World dictionary
morning after — n. Informal a hangover or a painful awakening … English World dictionary
Morning After — Song infobox Name = Morning After Caption = Type = Song Artist = Dead by Sunrise alt Artist = Album = Published = Released = track no = Recorded = Genre = Rock Length = Writer = Chester Bennington Composer = Label = Producer = Amir Derakh, Ryan… … Wikipedia
morning after — {n.}, {slang} The effects of drinking liquor or staying up late as felt the next morning; a hangover. * /One of the troubles of drinking too much liquor is the morning after./ * /Mr. Smith woke up with a big headache and knew it was the morning… … Dictionary of American idioms
morning after — {n.}, {slang} The effects of drinking liquor or staying up late as felt the next morning; a hangover. * /One of the troubles of drinking too much liquor is the morning after./ * /Mr. Smith woke up with a big headache and knew it was the morning… … Dictionary of American idioms
morning\ after — noun slang the effects of drinking liquor or staying up late as felt the next morning; a hangover. One of the troubles of drinking too much liquor is the morning after. Mr. Smith woke up with a big headache and knew it was the morning after … Словарь американских идиом
morning-after — adj. Morning after is used with these nouns: ↑pill … Collocations dictionary
morning after — a hangover He s not feeling well. I think it s the morning after the night before … Idioms and examples
morning after — /mɔnɪŋ ˈaftə/ (say mawning ahftuh) noun Colloquial the morning after a drinking bout …
morning-after — /mɔnɪŋ ˈaftə/ (say mawning ahftuh) adjective Colloquial relating to a hangover: that morning after feeling …