Moral Majority

Moral Majority
Moral Majoritarian.
a political action group formed mainly of Protestant fundamentalists to further strict conservative aims, as strong antiabortion laws, the restoration of school prayer, the teaching of creationism in public schools, and the curbing of books and television programs considered antireligious or immoral.

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Universalium. 2010.

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  • Moral Majority — (« Majorité morale ») fut une organisation politique des États Unis dont le but était de faire du lobbying pour des actions politiques favorables aux groupes évangeliques et plus largement, chrétiennes. Elle fut fondée en 1979 et… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • moral majority — moral ma jority n the moral majority the group of people in a society who have strong moral beliefs and think they are always right. In the US there is an organized group called the Moral Majority, who have strong Christian principles ▪ Smokers… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • Moral Majority — Moral Majoritarian. a political action group formed mainly of Protestant fundamentalists to further strict conservative aims, as strong antiabortion laws, the restoration of school prayer, the teaching of creationism in public schools, and the… …   Useful english dictionary

  • Moral Majority —   [ mɔrəl mə dʒɔrətɪ, englisch »moralische Mehrheit«] die, amerikanische christliche Sammlungsbewegung, 1979 von dem baptistischen Pfarrer und Fernsehprediger Jerry Falwell (* 1933) in Lynchburg (Virginia) gegründet; sah ihr Ziel darin, den… …   Universal-Lexikon

  • Moral Majority — Jerry Falwell, whose founding of the Moral Majority was a key step in the formation of the New Christian Right The Moral Majority was a political organization of the United States which had an agenda of evangelical Christian oriented political… …   Wikipedia

  • moral majority — N SING COLL; N PROPER COLL: the N If there is a large group in society that holds strong, conservative opinions on matters of morality and religion, you can refer to these people as the moral majority. In the United States, there is an organized… …   English dictionary

  • moral majority — noun [treated as plural] a majority of people regarded as favouring strict moral standards. ↘(Moral Majority) a right wing Christian movement in the US …   English new terms dictionary

  • Moral Majority — Moral Ma|jor|i|ty, the 1.) trademark a US Christian organization started in 1979 by the Rev. Jerry Falwell. The group s aim is to help politicians who support its right wing ideas on subjects such as ↑abortion and the rights of ↑homosexuals, and… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • moral majority — /ˌmɒrəl məˈdʒɒrəti/ (say .moruhl muh joruhtee) noun that section of a voting community which is regarded as concerned with moral values …  

  • moral majority, the — moral ma jority, the noun a group of people in the U.S. who have strong Christian principles and conservative political opinions …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

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