
monotonically, adv.
/mon'euh ton"ik/, adj.
1. of, pertaining to, or uttered in a monotone: a monotonic delivery of a lecture.
2. Math.
a. (of a function or of a particular set of values of a function) increasing or decreasing.
b. (of an ordered system of sets) consisting of sets such that each set contains the preceding set or such that each set is contained in the preceding set.
[1790-1800; MONOTONE + -IC]

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  • Monotonic — Mon o*ton ic, Monotonical Mon o*ton ic*al, a. 1. Of, pertaining to, or uttered in, a monotone; monotonous. Monotonical declamation. Chesterfield. [1913 Webster] 2. (Math.) Always increasing or always decreasing, as the value of the independent… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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  • monotonic — adjective Date: 1797 1. characterized by the use of or uttered in a monotone 2. having the property either of never increasing or of never decreasing as the values of the independent variable or the subscripts of the terms increase •… …   New Collegiate Dictionary

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  • monotonic — adjective 1》 Mathematics (of a function or quantity) varying in such a way that it either never decreases or never increases. 2》 speaking or uttered in a monotone. Derivatives monotonically adverb monotonicity noun …   English new terms dictionary

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